There have been several ways of communication for hundreds of years, either sitting and talking to someone, or writing your thoughts and feelings in a Marathi Letter Writing and sending it by courier. The nature of the letters makes them especially intimate, as each has the indelible mark of their creator.

Everything from your home’s delicate flavors and fragrances to clippings from your garden can be included in the postal mail. Digital media doesn’t have the same personal level as this ancient method, and World Letterwriting Day is your chance to remember the magic of the handwritten word.

Find out more about World Letterwriting Day World letter writing is about respecting ancient forms of communication; write a letter. World Letter Writing is a great opportunity for you to reconnect with people you may not have spoken to in a long time. It also helps you think before you write. With modern forms of communication, we hesitate to think and reflect before communicating with someone. However, the letter gives you the perfect opportunity to do so.